
The Four Forces Wellness, Inc. approach to nutrition is whole food, plant-based. The evidence is clear that this approach is most health-supportive. Check out the evidence below:

Christine uses motivational interviewing techniques, and draws on her education, training, and a decade of experience to help people make healthier eating choices.

Consultations typically take about an hour. Prior to the initial consultation, it will be helpful if you complete this comprehensive health history questionnaire, allowing Christine to review it prior to meeting, so that we can make the best use of our time together. During this first appointment, she will mostly listen as you tell your story, and then she will work with you to come up with recommendations to get you started. Follow-up consultations help with accountability, and provide the opportunity to assess how things are going, what’s working, what isn’t working, and what adjustments might be needed. Contact us to schedule and appointment today!

Initial consultation $75

Follow-up consultations $50